Mascot Miško Polo

      We made a really lovely mascot…
3. 2. 2018/by timart

Maček Muri and Muca copatarica at a book fair

There is not a soul in Slovenia that doesn't know Maček…
21. 11. 2017/by timart

Firbcologi and making a mascot

26. 10. 2017/by timart

Maskota Eurobasket 2017 – Slobasket 2017

Tim Art je izdeloval zadnje tri maskote za Eurobasket: maskota…
13. 9. 2017/by timart

Mascot Bansi

Mascot Bansi, RTV Slovenija's mascot, is a great example of…
29. 8. 2017/by timart

Mascot Allsecur – for safety

Mascot Allsecur was anxiously expected in the Netherlands.…
4. 7. 2017/by timart

CROCS summer is around the corner

15. 6. 2017/by timart

Sporty mascot Caterpillar Biba

15. 9. 2016/by timart

A Mascot Costume after 65 Years

Popular Kompas's Janez has, besides being a 2D character, finally…
9. 9. 2016/by timart

Kompasov Janez v novi preobleki in v obliki maskote

Ob 65 rojstnem dnevu, so se v turistični agenciji Kompas odločili,…
15. 3. 2016/by timart

Kindergarten mascot Mousie

Kindergarten Miškolin has got a special assistant - a lot…
29. 1. 2016/by timart

Skiing Mascot Little Duck

Whoever thought that ducks are just for ponds - is mistaken!…
15. 12. 2015/by timart

Safety Requirements for Toys

Institute for Safe Play (ZVI) is publishing the OOPA Magazine…
7. 12. 2015/by timart

Bzzzz – Here Come the Wasp mascot

In Velenje, Slovenia a yellow-black warrior wasp mascot »Osa…
30. 11. 2015/by timart

Mascot Gogo the Goose Celebrating his Birthday

Our Gogo has just come to this world and is already doing all sorts of cute shenanigans.
16. 11. 2015/by timart

Heeereee’s mascot Gogo!

The town of Nova Gorica has just got one new inhabitant - mischievous…
9. 11. 2015/by timart

Letter Catching mascot Shrew Mouse

New mascot of Young Readers Unit from Srečko Vilhar Public Library…
26. 10. 2015/by timart

Balance master – mascot Swingy the Squirrel

Swingy the Squirrel has become the mascot of an innovative and…
12. 10. 2015/by timart

World’s First »Smart Teddy Bear«

Teddy the Guardian is the world’s first smart teddy on the…
27. 7. 2015/by timart
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